Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another Change of Plans (Another Blog)

I've decided to keep it simple and only keep the blog listed below, so it will work for all of my various projects. 
Sorry to change yet again. Hopefully, this will be the last time. 

~ Stacy Duplease

Christian, Patriot, Writer, Journalkeeper


Monday, May 26, 2014

Thank You, U.S. Military

Thank God for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. For my freedom. For your freedom. For our freedom.

They didn't have to. But, they did. They know the price of freedom. Peace doesn't simply exist because we will it or say it should. Peace happens, sometimes through a show of force--for freedom. And sometimes peace can happen because the entirety of a nation chooses to live by the will of God, not for self. (How rare. But, isn't this truly peace? We will not know this, though until Jesus Christ returns, but should strive for this today and tomorrow.)

Thank God people believed in our nation and the foundations our forefathers envisioned... Our military and their families. Past, present, and future.

Thank you for those serving now. You don't have to, but you believe in the U.S. Constitution enough to defend her. I pray you will continue to take this seriously every day and are forever mindful of this. (I pray we as a nation do this as well.)

What the U.S. military does is often ignored, often despised, often taken for granted. So many say they support the military and really don't.
May we remember our military, and what they sacrifice and have for our freedom... so we can continue on with life as normal while theirs is anything but.

People have died on our behalf. And people are willing to now. How humbling. I sure don't deserve it. But, they have and will do it anyway.

Thank God.

God bless the USA.