Wednesday, April 9, 2014


April 09, 2014, Wednesday, 813 a.m.

I am thankful for:
57 A new day. It's the Lord's Day. Not mine. I am to allow Him to use me and I am to enjoy him. He wanted to be with me all day and night long and wants me to rely on Him and intentionally seek Him all day and night.
58 Beagles, the breed. They are special dogs.
59 My beagle in particular.
60 Sinan cat
61 Shelly turtle
62 Harry turtle
63 A comfy bed
64 Ikea coffee mugs

I'm trying to figure out what to say about what happened with me yesterday. I had a breakthrough, you might say, but it has left me feeling rather sad and edgy. But, it also freed me at the same time.
What happened is quieter personal. Here, you reader and I, have barely known each other for a couple of days. How personal do I want to get? How personal should I get right now and in general? This is a blog the entire world can see and I don't want to expose myself too much, nor my family. I'm protective.
However, if I don't, am I being genuine with you?
Do you see my hesitancy and how I feel pulled?
What to do... What to do?
So, here is what I just have decided. I will get quite personal with you in stages. But, I need to convey the truth and what breakthrough I've had, through my heavy heart, but freed mind. Here it is:
Yesterday, I had an AHA moment and it woke me up and shook me. I've been going around in shock since I had the revelation. I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. (What should I? I will think on this some more.) Maybe through me telling you about it, I will arrive I've with some conclusions and action steps.
I start this A YEAR OF ALWAYS GIVING THANKS: THE JOURNAL OF MY JOURNEY, PART 1 as a broken rundown woman... in some ways... and I am honest with myself.
Funny. I had no idea that was the case. This was AHA and revelation moment number one.
How and why is this the case? See. This is where it gets tricky. I will open up some. Just enough to convey why this breakthrough is important enough to share with you, but not enough to get too personal... yet. That will come in time.
Please add comments at the end of any blog post or send me emails. Help me get to know you. Are you going on this journey, too? Do you want to live AYOAGT? Or do you just want to see if it does anything for me before you decide? Let me know. This will help me open up some more.
Have you ever experienced firsthand a kind of moment where you learned loud and clear the cliche of how life changes on a dime? Where you realize life as you knew it would never be the same again?
September Eleventh, 2001 was that way for me, for example.
When Columbine happened. (I knew someone there and help support her in the healing thereafter.)
I drove by the Aurora movie theater three times a week before that shooting ing happened--and knew people who almost went.
Those are moments where life changes on a dime.
Now, let's talk about more personal moments:
When a friend committed suicide when I was a young teenager.
When my cousin was shot... murdered... just before Columbine and my family became front page news, statewide and nationally... and again the incident was mentioned in Colorado news when Columbine happened.
The life changes on a dime moments are big, life-transforming, nothing can ever be the same again moments.
They are the moments we change and become different parts of the same person. We alter. We transform. These moments either change us for the good... or the worse...
These are the moments where we walk around numb, and in a fog, for a while until we see the light.
This is what B and I experienced a month before Thanksgiving 2013. It was a moment which strengthened our marriage, and as undivided, sure. Without doubt. But, it was...
No joke.
There's been a school stabbing in Pittsburgh. At least twenty high school students injured.
Okay. Ironic. I was just writing the life changes on a dime moment.
More in next blog post.

-- Stacy Duplease, Writer
Sent from Amazon Kindle Fire HDX
A Year of Always Giving Thanks Blog:
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